Address Magic Review
Better for the less techno-savvy...
You can buy it at RegNow for that price.
Easy to use, works well
price, poor help system
Address Magic is a powerful program that lets you do a often time consuming task in extremely simple and easy steps.
I agree it's a great program and a great idea, but this program is like something a could find on an free open-sourced software site. NOT something for almost 30 bucks.
Yes, I could see it being worth the pretty penny it is, if your more of a computer illiterate person. Maybe you don't have a lot of people around you that can help you out with your technological conundrums. Then I would definitely buy this program, why not?
But for the other end of the techno-savvy spectrum, I feel people would expect more from this program then what it's capable of.
I'm not trying to push anyone away from this product, but I find it easier to spend a little extra time exporting and importing contacts than to pay $26.95 for a program you might only use a few times.