PicaJet FX Review
A good idea, but the price is too high...
You can buy it at RegNow for that price.
easy interface and access to functions
price, interface not optimized
The main control point of CuteReminder is the quick access panel that you can move everywhere on the desktop, and put it in horizontal or vertical position.
With the clock button, you can select a predefined time period for a reminder, that will alert you with a short message on screen
To create a note you have to click on the note button. Right click on a note and access to pop-up menu.
It's possible to store an idea by clicking on the relative button. The last button show advanced features of CuteReminder.
It works as the postIT or sheets on your desk, but you can't miss it :)
The interface complete, but not complicated. It's easy to customize the panels (colors, skin..) and the audio file, that supports also mp3 format and a phrase that is showed on screen when alert starts.
It's a good software but i think the interface is too "big" for the features that it offers. I use another software, PrestoNotes, that has a spartan interface, but is very easy to use..although that the help is very helpful....