NewsAloud Review

Worthless news

Submitted by mooizz on Fri, 2007-04-20 22:07.
Author's Product Rating:
Ease of Use: 
The lowest price: 17.95$
You can buy it at RegNow for that price.
A simple programme with quite a range of topics.
Practically useless. Just a news reader for $18 !.. Useless

Fianlly a software has been created for all those News readers who cannot read !.. So the question arises, What is the use of this software ?!.. The answer is nothing.

News reader is one of the lamest softwares using a very simple old-school coding database covering the aspect of finding news according to the taste of the user and reading it aloud. This software has a lot of faults which can be determined even if y\you arent a professional at this.

The programme at start asks about the type of news topics the user wants to search for but it has a very limted range of topics. So what is the difference between Newsreader and a rdio !.. Nothing.

The interface even though is very simple, is not at all attractive and gives a very unpleasent and dull look. This only makes it good enough to hear. But even that is not that good. The voice gets really annoying after a short time. However it does have its good side. If you dont have time enough to read your news, you cn turn this on and listen to it while you do your work. Handy and useful for some, but a piece of crap for the rest.


A simple read aloud software which is genereally of no use. But if you are a person who doesnt have time to read the news and can afford to spend some hard cash for it, try News Aloud.