StickyNote Review

A Novel Idea

Submitted by chris_annee on Fri, 2007-10-26 19:58.
Author's Product Rating:
Ease of Use: 
The lowest price: 17.95$
You can buy it at RegNow for that price.
A breeze to learn and start using immediately to become more organized.
In order to send notes, the recipient has to be a registered user.

If you like sticky notes, then you'll love these! Instantly create notes and stick them, hide them or send them to others online with just a few clicks.

They're perfect for jotting down phone numbers and reminding you of appointments. Never forget what you need from the store again. While working on your list, you can just slide it to the side of your screen with one click and slide it back out to add something to it with another click. Just one note will hold your whole grocery list!

StickyNote is very user-friendly, giving you a complete tutorial when you launch the program for the first time after the installation. Within a few minutes, you'll be a whiz at creating a StickyNote. It easily synchronizes with your PDA to make you even more efficient and organized.


StickyNote is a very user-friendly program that puts fun in getting organized. It's an excellent program for the beginner to the advanced computer user.