Crusaders Of Space Review

The Most Addiciting Game

Submitted by vaibhav murarka on Tue, 2007-11-20 12:27.
Author's Product Rating:
Addiction Factor: 
Ease of Use: 
The lowest price: 14.96$
You can buy it at RegNow for that price.
The graphics and simple game play provide a relaxing way to burn a day without having to use a lot of strategy and mind power. Quite addictive. New aspects of the game are seen till the very end. Good value for money.
Once you have played the first level of the game you have played them all. It gets very tiring hearing the same sounds over and over and the game play is way too simple to hold anyone past seven's attention.

This game is addicting. It has some new things that are fun. It is a little more interesting than all the free space arcade games.It is good use of money to buy this game,

As usual you are a space ship, shooting a never ending number of alien ships. You have to avoid their missels and fire, and collect upgrades along the way.

If you like this sort of game, you will love this one. If you don't you will probably still like it. Definately better than the free versions of the space arcade games.


If you are expecting Quake4, go play Quake4, if you are expecting 14$ worth, you will be happy with this. its a worthy product.I am sure that you will like it.