NewsAloud Review
Wasting time searching for articles? This is your godsend!
The lowest price: 17.95$
You can buy it at RegNow for that price.
You can buy it at RegNow for that price.
Ease of use. Powerful and personalized search capabilities. Only $17.95! Everything!! Buy now!
Ease of use. Powerful and personalized search capabilities. Only $17.95! Everything!! Buy now!
You dont have it yet!!!
You dont have it yet!!!
NewsAloud personal news brings the hottest topics to you like an enthusiastic paperboy. This application will not only search for news based on your interests. It will also read it to you using a clear human sounding voice.
This program becomes your personal headline ticker. Simply plug in your interests and let it bring the news to you at home, or on the go to your portable device.
Imagine getting in a nice workout while hearing about what country we will invade next! This will free you up to take care of choirs, cook dinner, or even help the kids with homework.
Quit wasting all of your time searching for the news then straining your eyes to read it. Sit back and enjoy your personally owned news station.