Typing Master Express Review
Typing Master Express
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Ease of use, Quick Installation, Fast Download
Ugly Color Scheme, Smally Typo in Program
Typing Master Express is everything that it claims to be. The software itself is very clean, from the installation process, to the removal of the software. The installation process was put together very well, excellent use of graphics.
After installation I was very impressed by the ease of use. I could easily put my 70 year old grandmother on here to learn how to type, and she could actually be able to function effectively. Even the stories you are able to type while honing a new skill are very interesting. I really enjoyed Aesop's Tales.
The program also prevents the instruction of typing from becoming a boring process, the software mixes it up by allowing you to play games which are typing related, or the program will even track all the writing you do for real life application (Email, Instant Messenging, Blogging etc.). It tracks what issues you may be having with your typing and custom builds an instructional process to help you overcome your typing weaknesses.
The only thing that did not impress me about the software was one small flaw I noticed (a small typo) in the Tracker configuration, they were missing a comma. Not a huge deal but prevents this product from being 100% pro, it is 99.9% pro instead.
I personally didn't like the color scheme, but it works for the program at hand.
Overall, an excellent program. Definitely worth checking out. If you need to touch up on your typing, or are a brand new beginner at typing this product will definitely get you typing in no time. The price is unmatched in the current marketplace too. It is an absolute steal at $18.00. Besides, typing is a priceless skill. You cannot put a price on a skill so valuable.