EZ-DJ Plus Review
EZ - DJ Plus Not Fun
You can buy it at RegNow for that price.
To many to discuss, but I think the review mentions a few
This software is suppose to help you make your own music, the idea of it is that you have a variety of different background sounds as well as a variety of different types of music, you can mix and match different sets and create your own music. In other words be your own DJ, for me I found this no where near a good peice of software and there are many reasons why I think that.
There are no real instructions on how to use this program, so if your a beginner ther's no way that you could really master this program never mind actually using it and having fun with it.
The sound effects are really awful and the muic mixes sound like they've been taken from one hit wonders songs from the 80's and 90's. As a beginner looking for an entertaining program to play around with for a bit, this wasn't it. It was neither, entertaining, enjoyable or fun
Not one I could recommend to anyone other than the experts