BrickShooter Review

So... Your bored in your office

Submitted by s1wg4u on Wed, 2008-06-11 06:57.
Author's Product Rating:
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Ease of Use: 
The lowest price: 17.95$
You can buy it at RegNow for that price.
Kills time, Lots of it. Perfect for those long mondays when you just can't wait to go home. Has windowed mode for easy minimization in panic situations Extremely fun and challenging! Can turn sound off After long periods of exposure.. You have nightlong dreams of moving boxes left and right and reaching that next level! What a treat!
Music is annoying, but you can turn it off Can cause headache, but if you like a challenge this is for you

So... you've spent the last three hours drinking coffee and refreshing the same 3 news sites over and over putting off the HUGE stack of papers on your desk, when suddenly your leaning back in your chair, dying from boredom, and you almost fall... *just enough to where you jump a little on the inside* but you catch yourself at the last second. As your coming too you notice an AD on the right of your newly refreshed page - BrickShooter. Oh this looks intriguing you think to yourself.. So you go to click on the AD, you read up a little and click to download the trial.. But wait.. What if the Tech guys on floor 3 notice the unusual traffic... Oh.. who cares, your bored to death anyway. You run through the quick install and load it up. Hrm.. this looks interesting you think... (you sure do think a lot) You jump right in.. You don't bother to read instructions because well.. your a real man and the games not that hard anyway. As you match up the first couple boxes you think, is this it? But wait, it gets harder.. You get consumed in moving the brown box just so you can get to the teal box so you can move the teal box to send the green box flying up to match to get those points, holy cow this hard! But you like it.. You've always liked a challenge... You keep going.. moving the gray box for the blue box and the red for the yellow.. 15 minutes pass by... then 30... then an hour... your boss comes in... But wait! You already put it on windowed mode and turned the sound off, You quickly minimize. Smooth! After he leaves you immerse yourself back into the game and realize you need to purchase it. What a wise investment.. Bahahah Something that actually makes coming to work worthwhile! yippee.


Overall - This product is a 9/10 for you bored office workers.