NewsAloud Review
The point being?????
You can buy it at RegNow for that price.
Good for researchers, Finds stories from many sources
Impractical for the average person, an unecessary expense
Allow me to introduce you to a remarkable invention; no, it's not NewsAloud; it's called RADIO. It's truly a magnificent technological feat--by tuning to frequencies appropriated for News Programs, you can actually HEAR the current news READ OUT LOUD in natural, human voices!
But enough with the sarcasm; I just don't see any point in shelling out 18 bucks for a program that reads news stories for you. I know it's hard to resist, but there are several alternatives.
1. TV--human voices reading the news--plus you get moving pictures!!!!
2. Radio - human voices reading the news--plus you have the option to listen to other programs and music!!!!
3. Reading - OK I can't keep this shtick up for the whole review.
Either way, NewsAloud is unecessary--even if you're an invalid who can't read because of poor eyesight, it's much easier to turn on the radio than to search the net for stories and have a computer read them out loud; you might as well just hire a kid or have a family member read out loud for you.
Yes, NewsAloud provides more stories from more sources, but who has the time to listen to all of that? If you're doing research, I grant you, NewsAloud is an invaluable resource just in that it finds stories from many sources. But for the Average Joe who's just trying to get his daily dose of current events, don't bother.
If you're researching something or other and don't want to spend hours surfing the Net trying to find stories pertaining to your topic of study, NewsAloud will not only weed out stories, but it will also read them out loud. If you are, however, content with reading the paper, looking at stories online, watching TV, and listening to the radio, there's no need for you to purchase this.