Say The Time 2006 Review
Say The Time Says it All
You can buy it at RegNow for that price.
Performs as advertised.
Richard, “The Voice”.
Say The Time 2006 is a modest little program that does exactly what it says it will. Imagine!
I originally downloaded this program because I needed a stopwatch and remembered that when I originally read its description it mentioned that it had one. Indeed it does, and although I required one that I couldn’t look at while using, I found this one to be quite simple to operate.
I get a little inhibited when something keeps chattering to me when I am online, but I at least wanted to check out the sound system. It was fine; I would recommend this for habitual late freaks but stick with Rose’s voice. Richard’s is rather creepy.
As this is sweeps month, I decided to utilize the reminder feature to let me know when the Donald was coming on. It worked fine, although I had to download my own wav if I wanted an audio reminder.
The World Time Calculator is entertaining. I often IM with friends in other countries and I was able to mention what time it was there (i.e. “Hey Joey, how goes your evening?”) and made myself sound rather clever since they know I can never remember time zone differences.
But the most impressive feature was the time synchronization. How cool is a program that can check your computer to that great computer clock that runs the universe?
If time is of the essence to you, this program is definitely worth the $21.