Pretty Good MahJongg Review
Not what i expected
You can buy it at RegNow for that price.
Game is correct
colors and shapes
I have played MahJongg before but i didn't like this version. The reason of this is because of the colors and the shapes and the figures inside the shape. I will explain this in my next paragraph.
First the colors, they are really dull colors and they don't bring your attention and really makes me stop playing. All this beacuse i can concentrate with the colors in the game it just annoys me. I would recommend more vivid colors for the game to keep you exited and let you play more.
The figures the figures are a very extincting but from my perspective they don't really work well i have trouble seen the numbers or figures because it sometimes blends with the background.
The game is actually very good it works how its supposed to and i think its very exiting. If they could just get it to work much better with colors and shapes i would be playing it all day
The game is actually very good it works how its supposed to and i think its very exiting. The only thing are that the colors and shape ruined the game for me