Spyware Doctor Review

Spy This

Submitted by David on Mon, 2005-12-26 17:48.
Author's Product Rating:
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The lowest price: 26.95$
You can buy it at RegNow for that price.
Finds a lot more bugs than other programs. Very few false positives.
Costs money

I’m not sure if a regular person like me can write a good review for anti spyware, but I’ll try anyway. I like SpywareDoctor because if found bugs that AdAware and Spybot weren’t able to.

For a long time I’ve relied on these two and felt rather protected but, as it turns out, even AdAware and Spybot will let an occasional bug slip by.

SpywareDoctor interface is a lot like other anti spyware solution. There is a quick scan option, full scan option, active protection and “immunize”. Quick scan and full scan – that’s fairly obvious. Active protection means that SpywareDoctor will actively protect you when some website attempts to install software or when some sneaking software tries to alter the registry, without letting you know first.

This immunization, as far as I understand, means that the program will take precautions to eliminate certain exploits and block most of the common ways spyware installs itself. I am not sure if SpywareDoctor blocks certain ports or not, but it does stop Instant Messenger spam.

Second nice thing is the rollback option. It’s in no way unique, CounterSpy, for instance creates a restore point prior to taking any action as well. Rollback option comes in handy if you use Kazaa or other P2P client. All of them have an adware component that, when removed, deactivates file sharing.

What makes SpywareDoctor very effective is the in-memory spyware monitoring module. Most spyware tries to install itself onto a PC and alter the registry. But, some spyware is not installed. Rather, it infects you computer memory. This it can do undetected, since there are no footprints left. Once you reload your PC – it’s gone. But, before that happens, there is no way to know what that spyware did to your PC. Most likely it used PC as a spam station, but it could steal some data too.


SpywareDoctor is a simple but effective spyware removers that wipes out most difficult spyware left unnoticed by AdAware, Spybot or Microsoft AntiSpyware Beta, or whatever it’s called now.