Coffee Tycoon Review
Gets Boring Over Time....
You can buy it at RegNow for that price.
Easy to use, Average Graphics, Good Navigation
Gets boring over a short period of time
The first time you play it, it's not bad. The game has not bad graphics, easy navigation and easy game play.
The graphics were good but were only pictures. The only part is when they would move the character would take a sip of coffee. I was really annoyed but not much. Compared to other tycoons, many objects moved with flow while Coffee Tycoon only had very few things move like robots.
Navigation was very easy. Only in a few clicks I was at the start of a new game. It was easy to get from menu to menu. Game play combined with the navigation could of made a spectacular tycoon game but it didn't work. In my mind there was no push to make game play and navigation to work together to make a superb, awesome game.
But after you start playing the game for the first few minutes it starts to get boring. I also thought that the idea wasn't original.
As you get into the game it starts to get boring. I found myself doing the same thing for over 200 days (in the game). Although each day went fast I just keep doing the same thing over and over and over again. This is one factor the game didn't became addictive but became pretty annoying.
I think 'tycoon' is a bit exaggerated. It doesn't feel like a proper tycoon game. All the other tycoon games are superb games. But in Coffee Tycoon it was a bit below par. After a few minutes I got bored of the game because it didn't have any x-factor like much tycoon games I have played in the past.
The idea for a 'tycoon' was great ages ago but something in my mind tells me that this tycoon game idea could be taken from another game in the past. It has the same stuff from other tycoon games like expanding, making money, completing scenarios or missions. But the execution was different from the other games.
Not the best 'tycoon' I've played but it under average. The makers of the game could of copy the 'tycoon' idea but had no good finish of the game.