EZ-DJ Plus Review
EZ-DJ Plus
You can buy it at RegNow for that price.
Very easy to use, simple controls, user learns hoe to use the program very quickly to it's full potential
The only one i can think of is that the program works at it's best when the computer is conected to a massive stereo system, other than that i really can't think of anything.
This is a nifty little piece of software, which lets even the most clueless beginner mix music like a disco dj.
This program might seem a bit too beginner like, but it is far from that' don't let the seemingly simple interface fool you, this is an excellent program which allows you to do all those cool dj tricks like scratching, fading in/out, various tricks and other fun things.
Now, just to give you an example, the other night i was in a disco-pub in Lugano (Switzerland) I went up to one of the DJ's to request a song and they were using this very program.
Now obviously you can have tons of fun mixing songs, importing them from your mp3 files on your computer and blasting music through your computer speakers. But let me assure you that this program works wonders with a huge stereo system. The louder the better. Trust me....
Keep in mind the better your Audio/Sound card is the more fun you can have with it..
Very good program, very stable, easy to use (and very easy to learn how to use it..), dosn't require a sate of the art computer to make it work.