Word Up Review

just plain FUN!

Submitted by Simer03 on Sat, 2009-11-28 21:43.
Author's Product Rating:
Addiction Factor: 
Ease of Use: 
The lowest price: 17$
You can buy it at RegNow for that price.
FUN, FUN, FUN!!!! Easy and extremely addictive!
costs too much

This extremely addictive word finding game is probably the best word finding game i have ever played! So addictive, that i found myself playing it for 3 straight hours. It is fun, but $17 worth of fun?

$17 is very pricy, but it doesn't disappoint. It will keep you occupied for hours in a day. I find myself playing it constantly nowadays while I am sitting in my office or waiting for something. There are three types of modes in the game. There is the Arcade Mode, the Strategy Mode, and the Vanilla-Swirl Mode.

Arcade Mode is all about trying to see how fast you can find a word combo so that you can move on to the next level if you make it in time. The Strategy Mode tells you how much you know about words. That was my favorite mode. And finally, the last mode is the Vanilla-Swirl Mode which basically combines both the Arcade and Strategy modes which is a blast as well!

I absolutely loved the game and recommend it to EVERYONE! However, it's just the price that will turn you away for better options. Tons of free ones out there in the internet but if you don't mind paying, then get this game! Easy to play and extremely fun!


i said this word before, and ill say it again.......FUN!!