New Software To Be Reviewed Review

Settlement - Colossus

Submitted by chaitumtx on Thu, 2010-04-22 17:16.
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long lasting appeal
If you have played MCF series, Agatha Cristie-death on the nile, and Big city adventure sf you will definately find this extremely easy. Objects are just there waiting for you to select them- a wooden textured stool in the middle of an oil painted picture is not something hard to find.

n Settlement: Colossus, you are an exiled emperor who has to build a new empire from scratch out of its grass hut roots. Research through the ages as you create new technologies and upgrade existing ones in your quest to create the ultimate city in this city-building resource management and puzzle game hybrid.

The story in Settlement: Colossus begins with an aged king leading his hungry and sick band of followers across mountains in search of a new place to call home. They manage to find some nice open plains and decide to settle there. As you progress through the game though, you learn that the king used to be the emperor of a great and powerful nation... 300 years ago! Apparently he had been cursed by the gods and had lost his empire, and his story will unfold as you make your way through the game.

Settlement: Colossus is a curious game that mixes different genres such as resource management, empire-building, puzzle and hidden objects; and it does it quite well indeed. Overall, it has that empire-building feel as you research technologies and advance through the ages... from learning to gather and farm in the ancient age to constructing more sophisticated buildings such as potters and forges in the classical era.

There is also resource management in Settlement: Colossus, as you need to find food to feed your people every turn, and raw materials such as wood, clay and bricks to construct tools and buildings. You will have to decide whether you want to spend a turn stocking up on food, or getting bricks for a new building, or gathering new materials to research new technology.

The technology research makes the game more interesting as well. At the start of the game, the only way to find food is to gather berries from the forest. Once you research forges and are able to create farming tools, you can then research and build a farm to provide another more efficient source of food. Further research as you progress through the ages will provide farming upgrades that will allow you to become more efficient and collect more food each turn.

In normal resource management games, when you decide to gather food or wood, you will usually have your minions do it for you. In Settlement: Colossus, you have to do it yourself! Every turn, you have the option of choosing what resource you want to gather, be it clay and brick from the caves, or berries and wood from the forest for example. Once you make your choice, you are then taken to the scene in question, and you have to find the raw materials that are blended into the background in a hidden object game. You will also have a chance of finding special items in these hidden object scenes. Some will start side quests, while others can be combined to form artifacts that make your civilization more efficient.


After playing first two versions, this one was just like a fake version of the jojo's fashion show. Styles are pretty limited, graphics are not appealing at all and music is too boring. To be honest jojo's fashion show has lost its identity in my point of view