Virtual DJ Studio Review

Virtual Dj = Best Remixes

Submitted by garx3 on Tue, 2010-06-29 01:00.
Author's Product Rating:
Ease of Use: 
Sound Quality: 
The lowest price: 35.96$
You can buy it at RegNow for that price.
I love eveything about it!
Has no Cons to me. Im glad i found Virtual Dj.

When i first dowloaded the trail version to this, i didn't get how to use many Remix programs. When i found out about Virtual Dj, I bought the full version as soon as i could. Because Virtual Dj, im a Dj. It's easy to use and is very fun and entertaining. So..Virtual DJ is without a doubt the number one software-based DJ'ing solution. Even if you have a low spec PC and don't buy the deck controllers which allow you to scratch, given a few weeks of regular use you can create professional quality mixes.

Sounds unbelievable? Not at all - if you have the ear for DJ'ing the program can speed up your ability to do so. I would suspect those giving it low reviews haven't taken the time to really learn how to use it, because it is very powerful. Even after a couple of months there are still things I am learning which make my mixes more seamless. If you know what you're doing you can even create basic mashups of three or four tracks simultaneously - often with the songs in the same key!

Limitations? About the only thing that limits it is you. And if that isn't the mark of a great piece of software then I must be missing something.


Th bottom line is all Dj's should use this software to remix and Dj to earn money.