New Software To Be Reviewed Review

FileMonkey 10.80 Review

Submitted by just4tests on Wed, 2010-07-14 11:44.
Author's Product Rating:
Ease of Use: 
The lowest price: 0$
You can buy it at RegNow for that price.
FileMonkey can make your life easier if you must do some basic file operations.
Although FileMonkey is easy to use and work with, it has some drawbacks: 1. Many of the above mentioned features are limited as functionality. For example Trim gives you the options to trim the first or the last number of characters from files' names, contents or folders' names. In my opinion Trim should have also the option to delete all spaces from the start or end of files' names, contents or folders' names. 2. It is hard for an inexperienced user to follow the script in Command Line, because it has no code highlight capability. 3. When you run a feature, there is no help to give you some insight on what that feature does, there is only a brief explanation but I find it not to be enough in many of the situations. 4. I find that FileMonekey can not be used alone, you have to use it in conjuction with another File Manager (like Windows Explorer), because FileMonkey lacks the ability to create, delete, rename, execute or open files/folders just like Windows Explorer does. 5. There is no backup feature 6. Price is a little high for the given functionality, because you can always find free scripts that you can execute in you command prompt and which can give you some of the FileMonkey functionality.

FileMomkey is a file manager application that automates some file operations. Features offered by FileMonkey are:

- Append text to files' content
- Set files attributes
- Change Case of files, folders or files' contents
- Copy files from from a source folder to a destination folder
- Change date and time stamps of files
- Delete files by moving them to Recycle Bin, delete files without moving the to Recycle Bin, secure delete files by wiping them or wipe free space from a drive
- Manage duplicates files by: finding them, deleting them, copying/moving them to a destination or by simply listing the duplicates file names
- Encrypt/Decrypt files with a given key
- Extract text from files' contents, names or from folders' names\
- Find files
- Join/Split files
- List files
- Rename files or folders
- Replace files' names, contents or folders' names
- Trim files' names, contents or folders' names.

Another important feature is Command Line which gives the user the ability to load or write scripts and execute them.

At first glance FileMonkey is a little bit difficult to work with, but after a couple of minutes you familiarize with FileMonkey and find it very easy to work with.


FileMomkey is a good tool for the average user, to do some basic file operations. But if you want more you have to find another alternatives.