Crusaders Of Space Review

A Change of the game's name

Submitted by slimes on Sat, 2007-02-24 11:45.
Author's Product Rating:
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Ease of Use: 
The lowest price: 14.96$
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play bottons,colour,background,designs,image presentation
selection,name of game

Well i layed the game;its simplicity was very good based on the major play buttoms were CTRL ;enter and the left and right scrolls.

I think it could have been better if it was named "Space Fighters" and not crusaders of the space because the word "Crusader" usually refers to religious protesters.

Also i noticed that when your done with 4 - 5levels in the game play ;maybe if you were killed by the Allien on the 6th level;it normally takes you back to a fresh start of the game but i fill it should be so.One(the player)should be provided with the options to start from any desired level.



The game is typical example of what children between ages of 10-15 years old would appreciate greatly.