Address Magic Review
Address Magic - Helping YOU decide.
You can buy it at RegNow for that price.
Very user friendly, and very powerful. Easy on the eye graphics, as well.
Very limited user support. Don't bother crying 'help', no one will be coming to your rescue.
As technology is constantly evolving, our computers/phones are constantly being outdated, made redundant, and eventually replaced.
This is why it can be very handy to have a piece of software like Address Magic, as it has been designed to easily allow you to conveniently store contact information, transfer this information, and edit it in a very user friendly, effective style.
There is no longer the worry of losing your work colleagues phone numbers, your department heads email address. That is, of course, until the software plays up.
I'm sure that I experienced one of what must be a rare occurrence of software failures, because the help network that is set up to try and restore lost or damaged data while using Address Magic leaves a lot to be desired. I could barely navigate through the FAQ pages, or find any sort of customer support services.
That being said, while the software was working, i found it very efficient, user friendly, and powerful.
Though you had better pray that the software doesn't crash, because there won't be a lot you can do in that unlikely event!
While Address Magic is a very well working piece of contact information software, it is far too risky to use when you consider how irreversible (and potentially detrimental) a system crash can be.