Word Mojo Gold Review

Word Mojo Gold - Speed Scrabble

Submitted by Bartleby Chevenix on Mon, 2007-04-02 15:55.
Author's Product Rating:
Addiction Factor: 
Ease of Use: 
The lowest price: 17.95$
You can buy it at RegNow for that price.
Fun, attractive, puts a new twist on Scrabble, drives you to try again when you fail
Bit too onesided, cheesy music

Imagine Scrabble: Imagine having to do the game, all alone, against the clock, with a bonus round if you rack up enough points. This is essencially what Word Mojo Gold is: Scrabble against the clock.

Not that that's a bad thing! Scrabble can be fun against the clock and at least now you've got an excuse to tell your opponent to hurry up!

The game is colorfully set up and the menus are easy to navigate. The music is a bit...weird but all music for these types of games tend to have weird tunes. It even has a tune paying homage to 70s cop shows!

The basic game is easy to play but hard to complete: I still haven't won a game yet! But I continually tried again, wanting to see if I could beat the game.

This basic force of driving me to try again is a quality I like in a game. usually I tend to throw down the controller and leave if I fail at a game but this game, I just dried the tears and tried again.

The game though does seem to be a bit onesided and I'm concerned that because of that, some players might not like the game.

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Want a new twist on Scrabble? This is the game to get!