Ten Thumbs Typing Tutor Review

A good typing tutor with a simple interface .

Submitted by daniel aduku on Fri, 2011-03-11 21:31.
Author's Product Rating:
Ease of Use: 
The lowest price: 23.36$
You can buy it at RegNow for that price.
It is very simple to use.
It does not have optimized audio-visual features.

The ten thumbs typing tutor is a good software for use in the home,business and school.It can help you to type faster.The creators of this software deserve many thumbs up for creating it.

One thumbs up they deserve is for the easy step by step process you find in the software typing program.Another thumbs up they deserve is for the simple language they use in instructing the user. The diversity of the operating systems that are compatible with this software, is one good feature we must also commend.

I installed the software on my PC .I was impressed that it offered me a variety of languages to choose from.Naturally i chose the English language my language preference.

When you open this software ,you will be asked to confirm if you have taken the free typing test on its website.If you have not taken the test you are taken to an introduction and quiz page.

The program then asks for your name,previous typing experience and the sort of keyboard layout you prefer.It also asks for your iTunes songs preference.The software's iTunes song seeker feature can help you stream in productivity enhancing music to relax your self.

From the introduction and quiz pages you are taken to a typing habits learning page.There are five typing habits for you to learn there.

The five typing habits have what the working place professionals will call 'ergonomic value'.This five habits will teach you to how sit when typing,and it will encourage you to practice often. It will also stimulate your accuracy, guide your eye focus and it will encourage you to persevere.

The psychological support this habits pages offer for the keen learner is a wonderful thing. When you are done with the habits pages you are to proceed to the lesson pages.

The main typing lesson will teach you how to place your fingers on the key board.It will teach you how to place your left and right hand fingers on the keyboard.

There are other features that will also enhance your typing. These features are placed side by side the main lesson that teaches you how to place your fingers.

These features includes two games to develop your typing skills.There is an extra practice wizard that will also help you with the main lesson. There is a report button , a help button and an options button.These buttons will help you to use the software with ease.

For the sake of it's functionality i want to recommend this software for use in homes, schools and businesses World wide. However there are some aspects of the ten thumbs typing program that can be improved.

One area of improvement the software makers have to take seriously is that of audio-visuals. The habits learning [page has some fine visuals but no audio recordings. If there are no audio recording how can physically challenged persons,like the visually impaired enjoy this software.

A comprehensive step by step audio-visual instructor should be added to this program in future.

The use of the viking culture and character as the role player to teach typing habits limits cultural variety. Cultural sensitivity should be considered in the design of the program in future. In future people should be given the choice to choose cosmopolitan role playing characters.Or better still non-human role players should be used to replace the viking character.


This software is top of it's class but it needs some little improvements to become too good.